Archive - 1980-1989

Category: Archives
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Time Shifter lightbox[photolicious]Time Shifter Flaming Roses lightbox[photolicious]Flaming Roses Wind Charmer lightbox[photolicious]Wind Charmer

Portrait of a Rooster lightbox[photolicious]Portrait of a Rooster Deities in love lightbox[photolicious]Deities in love My Friend the Witch Doctor lightbox[photolicious]My Friend the Witch Doctor

Shadow Breeder lightbox[photolicious]Shadow Breeder The Resurrection of a lost Umbrella lightbox[photolicious]The Resurrection of a lost Umbrella Portrait Pensive lightbox[photolicious]Portrait Pensive

Keeper of the Moon lightbox[photolicious]Keeper of the Moon Aires Caribenos lightbox[photolicious]Aires Caribenos Fire Flies lightbox[photolicious]Fire Flies

The Chair and The Shaman lightbox[photolicious]The Chair and The Shaman